
Short story chronology
Sounding Out The Undead - Blackfriars Bestiary, Rotting Hill Gate Issue (publication date tbc)
(patho)logical Necesity - Reprint accepted by ACPNews, publication date tbc
The Suitcase Sign - Steemit, Feburary 2018
If they only knew... - Steemit, February 2018
The White Cat Zugzwang - Steemit, February 2018
The Gift - Steemit, January 2018
Spacecraft Cover - Steemit competition entry, January 2018
Space Cold - Steemit competition entry, August 2017
Update 13.0 - Disclaimer Magazine, May 2017
The Flock - The Singularity, October 2016
Dancing Around The Monolith - Disclaimer Magazine, June 2016
Kite - Nebula Rift, May 2016
Clone Music - Perihelion SF, February 2016
Gestating Elegy - Bards and Sages Quarterly, January 2016
Gin and Tonic - Nebula Rift, August 2015
Approaching 43,000 Candles - Shoreline of Infinity #1, June 2015
Esterhazy's Cadence - Perihelion SF, May 2015
The Leather Bracelet - Encounters Magazine #14, May 2015

The Scion - Safkhet Fantasy, July 2015
Short story chronology
Sounding Out The Undead - Blackfriars Bestiary, Rotting Hill Gate Issue (publication date tbc)
(patho)logical Necesity - Reprint accepted by ACPNews, publication date tbc
The Suitcase Sign - Steemit, Feburary 2018
If they only knew... - Steemit, February 2018
The White Cat Zugzwang - Steemit, February 2018
The Gift - Steemit, January 2018
Spacecraft Cover - Steemit competition entry, January 2018
Space Cold - Steemit competition entry, August 2017
Update 13.0 - Disclaimer Magazine, May 2017
The Flock - The Singularity, October 2016
Dancing Around The Monolith - Disclaimer Magazine, June 2016
Kite - Nebula Rift, May 2016
Lotus Eater - Nebula Rift, February 2016
Clone Music - Perihelion SF, February 2016
Gestating Elegy - Bards and Sages Quarterly, January 2016
Gin and Tonic - Nebula Rift, August 2015
Approaching 43,000 Candles - Shoreline of Infinity #1, June 2015
Esterhazy's Cadence - Perihelion SF, May 2015
The Leather Bracelet - Encounters Magazine #14, May 2015
Bolted On Technology, Artificial Intelligence And Aliens - Imaginalis, January 2015
The Harmony Of Immortal Souls - Imaginalis, January 2015
The Leaf Of Valerian - Imaginalis, December 2014
The Witch In The Forest - Imaginalis, December 2014
Five Hundred Years Later - Bento Box #15, Mysteria Press, December 2014
On The Brink Of An Unknown Future - Imaginalis, December 2014
Grains Of Pollen, In Twilight - Imaginalis, November 2014
Time Out at the Café Metropole - Perihelion SF, November 2014
In The Sewer, You Can't See The Stars - Imaginalis, October 2014
A Drink With The Botanist - Imaginalis , October 2014
A Sufficiently Advanced Technology - Imaginalis , October 2014
A Sufficiently Advanced Technology - Imaginalis , October 2014
Words of War - Fiction Vortex, June 2014
The New Galvanism - Albedo 2.0 Fiction Showcase #7, Spring 2014
(Patho)logical Necessity - Jupiter [#18: Themisto, October 2007, ISSN: 1740-2069] (£2.75, 56pp, A5)
The Midnight Orchestra - Jupiter [#8: Pasiphae, Spring 2005, ISSN: 1740-2069] (£2.50, 56pp, A5)
Vice Versa - Noesis [#5, December 1999] (£2.75, 40pp, A4)
Sleeping Sickness - The Magic Bullet [Anthology published by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 1999;ISBN: 0953583309]
Watching for Life - Noesis [#1, December 1998] (£2.75, 28pp, A4)
The Madness of Disturbing Sleepwalkers - Lexikon [Vol. 3, #1, January 1998, ISSN: 1362-7201] (£2.25, 56pp, A4)
Gestating Elegy - Xenos [#45, October 1997] (£3.45, 72pp, A5)
Descent from Heaven - Wild Cooking (Trinity College Cambridge publication)
The Colour of Language - TTBA (This Took Bloody Ages) (#?, Lent term 1997)
Descent from Heaven - TTBA (This Took Bloody Ages) (#?, Lent term 1997)
Poetry chronology
A Superhero's Post - Krax [#49, 2012] (£5, 64pp, A5)
Walker's Triumph - in An Ode To Optimism [ed. Angela Fairbrace, Forward Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-184418-495-8] (£14.99, 154pp, A5)
The Impression - Krax [#44, 2007] (£3.50, 64pp, A5)
Dali Poem - Obsessed With Pipework [#33, Winter 2005/6, ISSN: 1367-9147] (£3.50, 48pp, A5)
Priorities - Obsessed With Pipework [#33, Winter 2005/6, ISSN: 1367-9147] (£3.50, 48pp, A5)
Persuading Mortality - The Interpreter's House [#29, June 2005, ISSN: 1361-5610] (£3.00, 74pp, A5)
The Fire Engine's Deceit - Varsity Online (circa 1999)
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